Who we are
The Nashville Grotto was established in 1953 as a chapter of the National Speleological Society. As part of the NSS, the grotto's mission is to promote safe and responsible caving practices, effective cave and karst management, speleology, and conservation. Our members are bound together by their love of caves and caving and their desire to learn about the underground wilderness and protect it for future generations.

What We Do
We are a bunch of weirdos who love to go into the dark and get muddy. We map caves, we rappel down giant pits and we promote safe caving techniques while helping to protect the fragile ecosystems we explore.
Activities range from:
- Exploring Caves/Karst
- Surveying/Mapping
- Research Support
- Conservation
- Vertical/Single Rope Work
- Cave Diving
- OutReach Programs

Where We Meet
The Nashville Grotto meets on the first Tuesday of each month at Radnor Lake Visitor Center in Nashville, TN. The meetings start at 6:30pm, but feel free to come early to hang out. The meeting ends promptly at 8:00pm and reconvenes at the "meeting after the meeting" at a nearby Mexican restaurant. Monthly meetings are open to the public and anyone interested is encouraged to come. Occasionally we also have social meet and greets, these are held at a local restaurant and are open to both members and the public.
We also have a virtual option for our meetings that can be accessed at nashvillegrotto.org/meeting the day and time of the meeting.
To stay up-to-date on activities and announcements, please "Like" our page on Facebook.
If caves and caving intrigue you and you think you might like to go underground, stop by one of our meetings! We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm and can be found at Radnor Lake Visitor Center in Nashville, TN.